
Tuesday's Truth!

It's Tuesday- I know Monday's always get a bad reputation for being the worst day of the week, Wednesday's get noticed for being "hump day" since it's the middle of the week, and Friday's get the good name for being the end of the work week. I can't help but feel a little sorry for Tuesday's and Thursdays... So to help out my Tuesdays, I am going to share a Truth! It shall now be Tuesday's Truths! :) Here is this week's Truth!
In Jeremiah 1:1-2, it mentions two men associated with Jeremiah. These two men are Hilkiah and King Josiah. Hilkiah was Jeremiah’s father, and also the priest. It appears that from the time Jeremiah was born, he was fortunate to have godly influences in his life. The King during Jeremiah’s early life was a righteous ruler who was leading the nation back to God. While reading about how Jeremiah had these godly influences in his life, it caused me to wonder about the rest of his nation. While Jeremiah was being raised by his father the priest, and being lead under a righteous King, what were Jeremiah’s peers and family doing? It states in Jeremiah 12:6 that Jeremiah’s brothers “dealt treacherously” with him. The boys were raised in the same house, with the same father; yet only one is recorded to have fulfilled the call of God on his life. I am uncertain of the reasoning why Jeremiah’s brothers treated him poorly. It could have been jealousy, or perhaps they were embarrassed of their socially awkward brother. Whatever the reason may have been, Jeremiah held tight to the calling that God had placed upon him. I am certain the godly influences were a blessing to Jeremiah, but there was still a decision he had to make for himself. He had to decide whether or not he would choose the life of loneliness and persecution. It would have been easy, and certainly convenient, for him to live a “normal” life, but he chose to cling to God instead of culture.
We have the same choice as Jeremiah. God has called each of us to do great things for Him, and to be individuals that reflect His image to this world. We have godly influences all around us. We sit under some of the same teachers and preachers. Will this be the time we treat our brothers and sisters in Christ treacherously like Jeremiah’s brothers? Will we allow jealousy or our “cool” reputation to cause us to look down on fellow believers and students? I am convinced that this is the time we shall fully immerse ourselves in the calling of God like Jeremiah did. We should be willing to do whatever He asks, in spite of what others may say, or how our culture accepts us. I issue a challenge: strive to live a life not based on what people in your life think, but what God has called you to be.

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