
Tuesday's Truth (Joel)

Here we are again- it's Tuesday! What a wonderful day of the week! :) This week's truth comes from the book of Joel. I hope you enjoy this book like I did!
“A call to repentance” is the theme of Joel 2:12-17. The people of Judah were in a severe famine, and their nation was quickly being destroyed before them. Because of such harsh judgments on the land, they soon realized how desperate they were for God. God was calling His people back to a repentant heart so He could pour out His abundance upon them again. God longs to show off His greatness to those that oppose you, but He requires that you repent before He will do anything.
Repentance is such an intriguing concept here because God commands the people not to try to tear their outer garments, but He wants them to “tear” their hearts. He is asking them to come before Him with humility and brokenness, not outward sacrifices. He wasn’t concerned as much with how they expressed words and emotions on the outside, as He was with the condition of their heart on the inside. God does, however, recognize that what is shown on the outside is a reflection of what is on the inside (Matthew 12:34). We must realize that our outside reactions begin with inside motives.
Just as God called the people of Judah to repentance, God calls each of us to repentance. This story was one of complete desperation and fear for God’s people, but God wants us to come to Him before we even reach that point. Every day we should be careful to come before Christ with a heart of repentance. Although we do so not expecting anything in return (except a clean conscience and "fast pass" to Heaven when the rapture takes place) we can freely partake of the abundance of God. God wants to bless His people with abundance, so don’t give Him any reason not to do it! Live every day with a clean heart, and become confident that God’s favor will soon follow you!

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